Australia Edition: 8 Veterinary Marketing Ideas for March

6 min read
poison prevention awareness month march freebies

These veterinary marketing ideas and social media graphics can help you manage your March marketing efforts with ease! From Polite Pets Month to Respect Your Cat Day, we’re bringing you fresh and creative content ideas to help your clinic engage with pet owners throughout the month.

Download them here!

Veterinary marketing ideas and social media graphics to use during March:

1. Polite Pets Month: The entire month of March is for shouting out all the good boys and girls who are becoming (or already are) well-trained pets! Started by the Australian Veterinary Association (AVA), this day is meant to help pet owners train their pets to be well-mannered so they can live happy and safe lives. You can share tips with your online social media community on the best ways to train different pets, and point them to any training resources that you currently offer or recommend.

Polite Pets Month march

2. Pet Adoption Month: March is also a time to raise awareness of pet adoption, foster care, and animal rescues. You can educate your community about the importance of adopting pets who need a loving home, and how they can take actionable steps towards becoming a pet owner or foster parent. Consider partnering with a local shelter so prospective pet owners know where to go for a thorough and reliable adoption process. You could even offer a limited-time promotion in March to support the cause, like 20% off spaying and neutering services.

pet adoption month march

3. Poison Prevention Awareness Month: This is another veterinary-specific initiative to honour throughout the full month of March, and it’s a great time to remind pet owners about the need to keep harmful substances out of their pets’ reach. Certain plants, foods, and other toxic items pose serious threats to a pet’s well-being, and reminding your community how they can avoid a veterinary emergency will show them that you’re truly invested in safeguarding their pets’ health. Be sure to also let pet owners know what to do in case an emergency does arise!

pet poisoning signs, march freebies Vetstoria

4. Professional Pet Sitters Week: The first full week of March is Professional Pet Sitters Week! This year, you can remind your social media followers from 2nd March to 8th March about everything pet sitters do to look after our beloved pet friends and family members. Let your audience know about the benefits of in-home pet care, such as decreased anxiety for pets and pet owners as well as preventing common illnesses in which pets could be otherwise exposed to.

Professional Pet Sitters Week march

5.  International Day of Happiness: The 20th of March is a day for celebrating cheer all around the world. Upload funny photos, videos, or stories of team members, customers, and pets—and invite your social media followers to do the same! Share tips on how pet owners can ensure their pets live the happiest lives possible by establishing healthy habits, such as daily play and exercise, along with a consistent routine.

International Day of Happiness march

6.  National Puppy Day: Every 23rd March is for educating the public about the cruelness of puppy mills, and encouraging safe adoption from verified pet shelters. Ask your online followers to consider volunteering at local animal shelters, or even responsibly adopting a puppy of their own! Inform them how they can go about adopting a new little friend, and share best practices for providing puppies with the best life possible.

National Puppy Day march

7. Respect Your Cat Day: 28th March is for our loving cat friends! Show cat owners how much you value their pets by sharing different ways they can maintain happy and healthy lifestyles for their feline companions. Take advantage of this day by communicating the importance of preventative care and early detection, and how it helps in treating and managing health conditions more effectively. Even better, offer cat owners a special promotion to encourage them to book those services at your clinic!

Respect Your Cat Day march

8. St. Patrick’s Day: Hoping your veterinary marketing strategy brings good luck to your clinic? Then be sure to celebrate on 17th March! Share photos of your team members and customers dressed up in green, and invite pet owners to share their own photos in the comment section of your social media posts! You can also remind your community about the importance of preventing their pets from accessing or ingesting toxic substances that may be more prevalent on St. Patrick’s Day, including alcoholic beverages.

St. Patrick’s Day march

Now that you’ve got some creative veterinary marketing ideas to think about, along with several social media graphics to use, let’s bring your March marketing vision to life! If you need more inspiration, our customisable veterinary content packs are here to help you better market your services throughout the year. Enjoy!