How to Reduce Appointment No-shows at Your Veterinary Practice
Appointment no-shows… yes we hate them just as much as you do!
With practices busier than ever, some pet-owners have struggled to find urgent appointments for their fur babies. This has led to some making multiple bookings and failing to cancel the ones they don’t end up attending.
How did we get here, and what should we do about it?
Vetstoria is honoured to welcome renowned veterinary consultant and author Debbie Boone, CCS, CVPM from 2 Manage Vets Consulting, LLC, to host a discussion on this issue and offer solutions. Debbie will also be joined by Vetstoria customer Dr David Hodges, veterinary surgeon and founder of UK-based veterinary practice, Stellar Vets, who will share his experience with no-shows and the tactics he puts in place to avoid them.
In preparation for this webinar, we have also surveyed 140 practices globally to learn more about the topic. Thankfully, several respondents boasted they had great policies in place (so no-shows were never a problem), and Vetstoria CEO Julien Renard is excited to share those insights with you as well.
This webinar will offer practical tools and recommendations in dealing with appointment no-shows plus, if you have not attended a webinar featuring Debbie Boone before, you are in for a treat!
Key discussion points:
- Why some pet owners fail to cancel
- How to follow up after a no-show
- How to deal with repeat offenders
- How to facilitate mandatory deposits from new clients
- How much to charge for a deposit
- What other steps to take to fill your schedule