Trying to see if Vetstoria is right for you?
Vetstoria offers real-time appointment booking and integrates with over 30 PIMS. Want to see how we stack against others?
Why offer online booking to pet owners?
of booked appointments are made out of office hours
of appointments are booked on mobile devices
of online appointments are booked by new clients
Based on Vetstoria data – 2022
Over 6000 practices globally use Vetstoria to reduce calls and provide great pet owner experiences
Fully customizable based on your availability
Vetstoria helps customize the platform based on,
✅ Custom appointment types
Display different procedures based on client type or selected species, and set custom durations for each procedure.
✅ Controlled availability
Display availability based on client or appointment type. Exclude slots you don’t want to offer, set maximum appointments per type and day and block new clients from booking certain appointments as you wish.
Sync appointments with your existing calendar in real-time
Connect Vetstoria with your existing practice management system to allow pet parents to book appointments from your website straight into your practice calendar. Real-time updates and no double bookings.